Tuesday 29 May 2012

Tuesday Tuneage: Parov Stelar - Libella Swing

I'm a busy bee today so not sure if I can get a proper post up, hope to though. In the meantime here is a bit of tuneage to get us through the day. My old flat-mate introduced me to Parov Stelar a while back and I've been obsessing over the man ever since. Electro swing? Jazz rave? Hell yeah, loving it, freaking awesome.

And if you like the taste of that check of the video for Catgroove too.  Dancing my pants off (not literally, well maybe a little)



  1. OOOhhhh Weeee! I love it! Never hear of Parov Stelar. Thanks for introducing him though. Made me want to dance and for the record, I'm laying in bed.... The guy dancing in Catgroove is awesome. I wish I could dance like him! I'd be the "hit" at all the parties!
